Sunday, October 21, 2007

Birthday Boy

It's hard to believe that our baby is already one (well, almost). We had his party on Saturday. I think that Holden enjoyed it, but not quite as much as his big sister enjoyed the festivities.

Addie has been asking all week when it was going to be Holden's birthday party. Then she would whisper, in true 2 year-old fashion, "'s a surprise!" As we prepared over the past few days, she would tell anyone who asked "We're making Holden's party."

We are so grateful for all our loved ones who made this such a special night for Holden. It is evident that he (and we) truly felt loved! Check out the fun pictures below. (Thanks to my friend Laura for the great slideshow idea!).


Laura said...

Love the slide show! :) The cake is so cool! Peter would be jealous.

Carrie said...

I have to agree - the cake is awesome. It looks like you had a great celebration!

Sherri said...

Enjoyed the party and the slide show of the party. Addie was so cute asking for Elena to come back before she was even out of the driveway. It was fun to see Holden running around.