Monday, December 24, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Addie made her first official snowman (with daddy's help) this past week. She was quite proud of herself. After making the body, she was insistent that her snowman have a carrot nose! Mom provided the carrot nose & cookies for the eyes, while dad found the other pieces around the card.

Holden tries for alternative methods of warmth while helping mommy do the laundry!
While daddy loves to play outside in the snow, mommy prefers to stay nice & warm & cozy inside during the lovely Michigan winters. Both Holden & Addie enjoyed helping me make our annual Peanut Butter Balls for all their teachers at church. Addie is getting quite good and rolling the "balls," but she much prefers the peanut butter pancake! Don't worry...we all washed our hands - several times!

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