Sunday, September 21, 2008

Holden's Big Boy Bed

These past few weeks Holden has decided that he does not need to stay in his crib. So, we decided that he was ready to transition to his new room & big boy bunk beds downstairs. Yes, this means that we now have 2 monitors...Addie's on my side & Holden's on Chris'. We're thinking that when the baby comes, we'll have to have a shelf labeled with a monitor for each child.

He is doing pretty well...He wasn't too keen on the idea the first few nights when he tried to get out, but so far he always ends up sleeping in his bed when we go down to check on him.

I've included a few pictures of the week's progression!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having another baby soon because Holden is growing up too fast.

Bethany said...

Way to go Holden! Now he'll feel right at home when you come to visit and he is sleeping in our basement.

We miss you guys!