Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Program

Every year at church our 2's & 3's sing "Away in a Manger" & "Jingle Jingle Happy Bells" in the Children's Christmas Program.

We were so thankful that Addie has been doing well enough that she was able to participate. She sang all the words and stood & behaved beautifully for the songs, this alone brought tears to our eyes, as over the past 6 months we've wondered if she'd get her personality & skills back. We were very encouraged by her behaviour last night & praise God that she is doing so well right now.

Needless to say, Holden brought tears to our eyes for an entirely different reason.
This year Holden was the only boy there, typically he has 3 or 4 other friends to sing & dance with, but this evening it was Holden & the girls. The girls all behaved beautifully. Holden is definitely staking his claim as the middle child, and he will not go unnoticed. The video speaks for itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holden's only been "the middle child" for a week, a more likely explanation is he's a chip off the ol' dad block.