Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Disaster Prevention

Holden has proved to be a rather creative and challenging thinker over the past month. This has particularly kicked in since we added Weston to our family. We are trying to stay one step ahead of him. In the past couple months, he has shown interest in using the "Big Boy Potty." We have tried to encourage this. However, he has recently begun trying to be independent with self-cleaning as well. I mean to say that he goes into a private place, actually anyplace other than the bathroom, to do his "duty." Then he takes off all his clothes, diaper included, gets the wipes and tries to take care of things. He has found that the best and most private time to do this is during nap time and in the middle of the night. So, on a number of occasions, we have gone to check on him, only to find him completely stripped & a poopy mess...We have attempted a number of things to deter this activity, and this picture shows our recent disaster prevention for night time. Yes, we realize he looks like a goober, but its better than cleaning him up at 2 am....

Speaking of goobers...


Anonymous said...

I love the bathtub picture, it's too cute.

Bethany said...

I love that goober.